
Описание к видео 今日茶席,第148席【文人之器】


茶品 / 2015年桐木關野生紅茶
急須 / 清代楊彭年款詩文梅花紋銀鑲嵌唐木柄玉摘三鑲錫包紫砂壺
壺承 / 藤田佳三紅安南草花紋高臺皿
公道 / 橋村野美知綠色條紋硝子片口
水註 / 雲林院寶山造高麗青瓷釉裏紅仙盛瓶
茶盞 / 昭和時代山風庵赤繪花鳥紋茶盞
茶托 / 清代張廣德款菊形大判錫托子
茶盤 / 清代螺鈿漆器花鳥紋摺邊皿
茶荷 / 明治時代七寶燒天鵝型蓋物
建水 / 明治時代綠硝子建水

🍵今日のお茶会 第148回 【文人の茶器】🍵
三鑲錫包壺の人気には、もう 1つ重要な理由があります。
かつては紫泥に直接文字を入れるのが優美とされていましたが、それには焼成前の乾燥段階で文字を彫る必要がありました。その後の焼成工程には最短で 10 日半の時間が必要です。こうなると単に時間がかかるだけでなく、完成後に修正ができないため、職人と文人との意思疎通に不便です。

🍵Today's Tea Party No. 148 [Literary Tea Utensils]🍵
三鑲錫包壺(lit. Three-inlaying tin-covered pot) is mainly made of clay called 紫砂/yixing(lit. Purple sand) and covered with tin. Jewels are used for the lid, handle, and knob. Paintings and calligraphy are often carved into it. This is very unique, so it was once very popular.
According to historical records, Zhao Liangbi(趙良壁), a native of Suzhou, made the first tin teapot during the reign of Emperor Wanli (万暦帝) of the Ming Dynasty. Also, during the reign of Emperor Kangxi (康熙帝) of the Qing Dynasty, Shen Cunzhou (沈存周) carved his own poems on tin tea utensils to make them literati-style. Later, Chen Hongshou (陳鴻壽), Zhu Shimei (朱石梅), and Yang Pengnian (楊彭年) combined these styles, and it can be said that the birth of the three-material tin-covered teapot was a natural progression.
During the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (嘉慶帝) and Emperor Daoguang(道光帝) of the Qing Dynasty, the three-material tin-covered teapot became very popular among officials, literati, and merchants.
At that time, three-material tin-covered teapots were a custom-made items. The tin was of the highest quality, the finish was first-class, and the calligraphy and painting were hand-carved. It was as if the craftsmanship of purple clay, tin, and jewels had been fused together in one furnace. The price of three-material tin-covered teapots was much higher than that of ordinary purple clay teapots, and they were very popular.
There is another important reason for the popularity of the three-material tin-covered teapots.
In the past, it was considered elegant to carve characters directly into the purple clay, but this required carving during the drying stage before firing. The subsequent firing process takes at least 10 and a half days. This not only takes time, but also makes it difficult for artisans and literati to communicate with each other, as corrections cannot be made after completion.
On the other hand, the surface of the tin of the three-material tin-covered teapots is very soft, making it easy to insert a knife. It must be also fun to carve a poem on the spot when an idea comes to your mind.
Towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, the three-material tin-covered teapots gradually declined for several reasons. The reasons were, as well as the complexity of the craftsmanship, the difficulty of preparing the materials, the weight of the teapot itself, and above all, the fact that this teapot was originally associated with the self-love of literati.
As a result, production decreased, and it eventually went out of fashion after a few decades. In the long flow of history, this was only a fleeting moment.
The three-material tin-covered teapots, which were popular in the mid-Qing Dynasty, are still popular among collectors today due to their intricate design, distinctive literati flair, and the fact that only a few remain.


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