Unknown to Some, Nostalgic to Most

Описание к видео Unknown to Some, Nostalgic to Most

Serenity... the theme that brings back old memories to the Resident Evil fans who have completed the mission many times over. In my opinion, it is one of the best choice games to fall back to when nothing else seems to appeal. I have yet to play the remake but I have seen bits and pieces of it. I do want to play it and I'm sure I would enjoy it but classic RE4 will always be a top tier game despite Krauser fuckin' killing me half a hundred times on professional.

Did some research, decided to be petty and cheese him with the knife because I wasn't raging for another month of on/off RE4 but only dying by Krauser...

My end result on deaths depressed me but not really because I found a way I should've pulled out of my ass in the first 10 to cheese him. I was rolling until that fight then I had to resort to Ol' Reliable. (YouTube)

Whut wuld de wun numbr IQ gamerz do witout deh tripel IQ gamerz who maek de hi QI gamer vids?


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