Policy, Politics & Potential: China insights with John Garnaut

Описание к видео Policy, Politics & Potential: China insights with John Garnaut

China expert, John Garnaut joins Alison Savas to discuss the state of China's economy, policy landscape, and the potential risks and opportunities for stock market investors. 

John is the founder of Garnaut Global, a leading advisory firm to select global asset managers, technology companies and government agencies.

Key times:

Analysing the shifts in investor sentiment towards China: 1:00

Has the CCP's attitude towards economic growth changed recently? 13:30 

Will recent China stimulus measures have a big impact? 20:00

Why China needs to direct resources to local Government: 28:30

Reviving China's property sector: 30:00

Will Taiwan be Xi Jinping's legacy? 34:00

The markets that China's big tech stocks are poised to dominate: 38:00


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