Bully SE: Jocks vs Preps (Boxers)

Описание к видео Bully SE: Jocks vs Preps (Boxers)

These are the best chances of the Jocks against the Preps (Boxers).
Ted has 200 hp. Damon has 375 hp. Casey and Bo hasve more blocking skills, more attack frequency, their shoulder tackle, and damage for their third punch. Luis and Juri have 125 hp. Kirby and Dan have 110 hp. Bob has 165 hp. The Mascot has 1350 hp and his boss style attacks.
The boxers have high health, medium-high blocking skills, high attack frequency, anti-grappling, and dodges. They can deal a lot of damage as a group.

0:05 - Round 1
1:11 - Come on Ted!
3:38 - The Mascot goes after Tad
4:55 - Round 2
9:02 - Triple tackle
9:39 - Round 3
10:48- Hit at the same time
12:57 - Double headbutt
15:23 - Round 4
16:57 - Dan falls on Luis and then Luis falls on Dan lol
19:36 - Chad gets thrown down and up
21:02 - The Mascot, Casey, and Bo teamwork made it possible
21:13 - Round 5 :D
22:56 - Nice combo against Justin
23:53 - Casey shuts Bif's mouth
24:34 - Juri dodges the dodge :O


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