God as portrayed in Mind Game

Описание к видео God as portrayed in Mind Game

Creative depiction of "god" from Mind Game (2004), and incredible work of animation written and directed by Masaaki Yuasa and based on Robin Nishi's graphic novel of the same name.

In this scene, Nishi (the protagonist), has just been killed in a very embarrassing fashion and found himself in a sort of purgatory. Here he confronts "God" who informs him he is, tragically, dead. The being explains that there is no "heaven" or "paradise" and that his soul will spend the rest of eternity in the void of oblivion. God then ushers Nishi towards oblivion and prepares to leave for an event that he/she/it is late to. Nishi, upon seeing God's back turned, refuses to accept his fate and sprints towards another exit. God pursues him, but is so impressed with his will to live that he allows Nishi to escape death. As his body slowly returns to form, Nishi is warned that this is his one and only additional chance at life.

Information and Reviews (EN): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0452039/

Information and Reviews (JP): http://www18.atwiki.jp/sakuga/pages/2...

Original Website (JP): http://www.mindgame.jp/index.html

Unfortunately, the movie is very hard to come by these days. If you happen upon a copy in NA, I highly recommend purchasing it. Full versions of the movie with English subtitles can be found on YouTube, but I recommend DVD quality for full appreciation of the magnificent animation and art.


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