
Описание к видео #111

Lev Abramovich is a litigator from Toronto with the firm of Abramovich and Tchern (https://atimmigrationlaw.com/). Lev was a former guest on episode #85, which included a discussion on increased security screening in Canadian visa applications for residents of several countries (  / 85-security-delays-study-permits-and-manda...  .

On this most recent episode, Lev joins us for a post-Li v MCI 2023 FC 1753 (https://decisions.fct-cf.gc.ca/fc-cf/...) about long processing delays, and the proliferation of s.34 "espionage" allegations in processing of applications made by nationals of certain countries -- with a focus on Chinese citizens with a background in science.

If this is a topic of interest, I recommend that you also listen to episode #96, in which we discuss the Li decision in some depth (https://shows.acast.com/659f464c3f690....


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