How to fill in your financial statement (Form E) - England and Wales

Описание к видео How to fill in your financial statement (Form E) - England and Wales

Explains step-by-step how to fill in your financial statement (Form E) when you are asking the court for a financial order as part of a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership. This is the court order that decides how to divide what you own between you. Rosemary completes her Form E and talks you through what you have to write in which box and what all the legal language means. The written guide How to fill in your financial statement (Form E) that the film refers to is no longer available, but all of the help contained in it and more is provided in How to apply for a financial order without the help of a lawyer. This guide also enables readers to access low-cost fixed-fee expert legal advice if you need it. Find it in the Help with family problems section on Advicenow.


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