Weekly Review (7월15~7월19)

Описание к видео Weekly Review (7월15~7월19)

7/15~7/19 review


1. Could I get change for a $100 bill? / Sure, what do you need?
( Could I ➡️Can I 보다 더 예의 있는 느낌 )

2. I need mostly 10s and maybe a couple of 20s.
( maybe 어쩌면 )(※ a couple of 복수명사 - 20.04.23 주요표현 )

3. Oh, man. I'm like... $5 short. I can only give you $95.
(※ like : 한, 대충  - 23.10.16 주요표현 )

4. Oh, is there anything here for $5? ( for 가격에 )

5. A pack of cigarettes is $5, or you might want to buy a pair of disposable socks. They're $4. ( they 그것들 )


1. If you're in the mood for something sweet, I recommend our signature 'My Sweet Mayu'. ( recommend 추천하다 )(※ I highly recommend 명사. : ~를 매우 추천합니다. - 23.07.10 주요표현 )

2. That sounds intriguing! What's in it?
(※ sound 형용사 : ~하게 들리다, 듣고 보니 ~한 것 같다 - 24.04.10 주요표현 )

3. It's basically a mix of coconut rum and watermelon juice. ( a mix of ~의 믹스 )

4. Nice! I'll take that. And for my friend here, one whiskey on the rocks, please.
( take 가지다 ) (I’ll take that=I’ll get that)

5. Sure thing. One 'MSM' and one whiskey on the rocks coming right up!


1. The word 'summer' originates from the Old English word 'sumor', which means 'togehter'.

2. The Eiffel Tower grows by up to 17cm on hot summer days. ( grow 자라다 )(※ up to 수치 : 최대 ~까지 - 24.02.19 주요표현 )

3. As ironic as it may sound, summer is the #1 season when couples get married.

4. Human brains work better in summer because we are more likely to produce vitamin D in response to the sun's rays. ( in summer 여름에 ) (※ in response + to 명사 : ~에 응하는, 응하여 ※22.01.04 주요표현 )

5. Human beings are happier in summer because more sun exposure means more production of serotonin. ( human being 인간 )


1. Sharks have been around for over 450 million years, making them older than dinosaurs. ( have been around ➡️ have p.p. (과거부터 현재까지) )

2. The massive whale shark can grow up to 40 feet in length.
(※ up to 수치 : ~까지 -24.02.19 주요표현 )

3. The tiny dwarf lantern shark measures only about 8 inches in length. ( only 겨우 ) (measure 대신 is 사용가능하지만 수치를 강조하기 위해 measure 사용함)

4. Contrary to popular belief, sharks pose a mininal threat to humans.

5. Some sharks produce thousands of teeth in their lifetime. ( thousands of 수천 개의 )


1. Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes and pour in two ounces of vodka and an ounce of coffee liqueur. ( ounce [auns]) ( vòdka )

2. One of the most common coffee liqueur products that bartenders use is Kahlua.

3. Gently pour heavy cream, adjusting the amount according to your preference.

4. Using a spoon, gently stir and mix the ingredients. ( mix 섞다 )

5. You may garnish with a sprinkle of ground nutmeg before serving. ( a sprinkle of : 한 번 뿌림 / ground : 간, 빻은 )


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