Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX 4 Songlist

Описание к видео Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX 4 Songlist

Time for one more push! Here's the last DDR ULTRAMIX game in the series! Ever since I got the Xbox, I wanted to play this game first and foremost, and I'm glad I did which it now rests in my favorite of all the ULTRAMIX games.......well that and I have to go through Quest Mode to unlock all songs since I don't know if there's a code for everything. So what's on the menu? A new company enters the fray with the Broadjam contest songs! There may be four of them mixed in with the independent licenses, but it's all worth it! Of course, lets not also forget some KONAMI Originals that were missing on USA PS2 songlists from the mainstream arcade, and some few great BEMANI Crossovers as well. With that all said, bring it on, KCEH one last time!


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