UNSAFE ABORTION | In her moment of need - IWD19

Описание к видео UNSAFE ABORTION | In her moment of need - IWD19

Unsafe abortion still accounts for at least one in 12 maternal deaths globally. And, compared to reductions in all the other direct causes of maternal deaths since 1990—severe bleeding, severe infection, blood pressure disorders and obstructed labour—there has been little improvement in the negative impact of unsafe abortion.

Unsafe abortion is a procedure for terminating an unwanted pregnancy either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment lacking minimal medical standards or both, as defined by the World Health Organization. Abortion, whether safe or unsafe, is a common event worldwide: approximately one in four pregnancies ended in an induced abortion during the period 2010-2014.

In 2017, MSF staff treated over 23,000 patients with post-abortion complications. In some hospitals where MSF teams work, up to 30 per cent of obstetric complications may be due to unsafe abortion.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare.

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