Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive Deluxe demo by Ben Granfelt

Описание к видео Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive Deluxe demo by Ben Granfelt

Ben Granfelt came in and played his original song "Power of Passion". He maxed the drive from the Sweet Honey Overdrive Deluxe and used the guitar`s volume and his delicate touch to create variation and dynamics through the song. Other gear that was used: Gibson Gallery's Choise 92227 based on Gary Moores "Stripes" LP (6 pc made for Musik Produktiv), Divided by 13 RSA 23 amp set to clean and Two Notes Torpedo Studio.

Bens new album Another Day out now on Tuohi Records

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• Sweet Honey Overdrive Deluxe:

Now you can get more bass, more treble and more overdrive out of the Sweet Honey Overdrive. Making it an even more versatile pedal than ever! Sweet touch sensitive, dynamic tones from very mild break up to medium overdrive/distortion.

May the tone be with you.

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