Talking Mental Fitness with FMX Wizard Harry Bink

Описание к видео Talking Mental Fitness with FMX Wizard Harry Bink

Before Behind The Bars, I was the co-host of a Mental Fitness Podcast called Skip This Podcast. Born in Covid with my best mate Luke, we told our own stories of our mental health battles, as well as diving into the stories of others, and what they did to overcome adversity.

One of our best episodes was this one, filmed in 2021, with Freestyle Motocross athlete, Harry Bink.

Its worth a listen getting under the helmet, or behind the bars, of one of the biggest names in action sports. Harry Bink is a mad man in action sports and on the dirtbike, but in reality he is just a normal guy with feelings, who works extremely hard on his mental and physical fitness.

If Behind the Bars can be half as succesful and informative as Skip This, I will be very satisfied.


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