When a parent has died : young people share their experiences

Описание к видео When a parent has died : young people share their experiences

Young people we’ve supported talk about some of the difficulties and what helped them after the death of their mum or dad. 

Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.

Our support team is available to respond to calls, Live Chat or email from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). Please note, messages can be left via telephone, email or Live Chat and we will respond as soon as possible on our next working day.

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0800 02 888 40
Live Chat: www.childbereavementuk.org

Child Bereavement UK currently offers support to bereaved children and young people/adults aged up to 25. If you are an adult over 25 who was bereaved as a child, please visit: www.childbereavementuk.org/adults-bereaved-as-children for information and guidance on organisations that can support you.

Child Bereavement UK’s materials must not be reproduced or edited without permission, nor used in any way for commercial gain.


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