Chitra Pournami (Full Moon): Time to Erase Your Karmic Records

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Full moon day of the month of Chitra. Chitra is the constellation. During this Full Moon You can establish a connection between your crown chakra and the heart chakra. Chitra is a star in the zodiac and then the moon conjuncts with the star and a great thing can happen and that is the connection between the crown chakra and heart chakra.

There is a nerve within the subtle body that connects the heart chakra and the crown chakra. Today I decided to teach you the most important text called the Shiva Sutra. The first teaching goes like this.

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"Gnyanam bandaha, gnyanam bandaha, gnyanam bandana"

Gnanam Bandaha means knowledge is bondage. We are in bondage because of knowledge. Without the knowledge we are fine. But knowledge of any kind, even the knowledge of science and technology is still bondage. How? Because you are unbounded. The moment you bring in knowledge, which is a structure then you come into bondage. You have to remain unbounded. As soon as you know something you have restricted yourself and that is bondage.

You cannot even get out of that knowledge because that is your whole orientation. But then what happens through this knowledge you are creating, knowledge creates. How does it create? It creates through binding. Binding is bondage. If it is not bound together then there is no structure. So bondage has to be understood as binding together. When it is bound, it is formed. So knowledge brings in a form. Prior to knowledge there was only formlessness.

in order to create anything you have to know. Without knowing you cannot create, but that creation is going to be a limited creation. That`s not the creation that God wants you to do. So the whole sutra needs to be looked at from a different perspective of a limitless and boundless awareness. And that you can acquire through no-knowledge. No-knowledge is wisdom. That`s why Zen says, when you know, you don`t know. When you don`t know, you know. And how to unknow things or reality, it is the secret. How do you do that? You go on chanting, "Gnyanam Bandaha. Gnyanam bandaha, gnyanam bandaha".

These are secret mantras that will take you to the realm of wisdom. From that realm you can understand everything. From that realm you can understand that our modern science and technology are just only childish.

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