Dawnbreaker Mythic+ Tanking Guide - Season 1 The War Within

Описание к видео Dawnbreaker Mythic+ Tanking Guide - Season 1 The War Within

This tanking guide for the Dawnbreaker dungeon covers a safe route and key boss mechanics. I hope it helps you build confidence and encourages more players to take up tanking—we can always use more tanks out there! While this guide may not showcase the most optimal or flawless run, it provides a solid approach to tanking with pugs. If there's enough interest, I’ll create similar guides for the other dungeons. Feel free to share your comments, suggestions, or feedback, and if you enjoyed the video, please like and subscribe!

  / shouldbegrim  



Talent setup:

00:00 - Start
02:48 - 1st Boss - Speaker Shadowcrown
05:49 - Elite 1 - Ixkreten the Unbreakable
07:01 - Elite 2 - Ascendant Vis'coxria
08:49 - Elite 3 - Deathscreamer Iken'tak
09:48 - 2nd Boss - Anub'ikkaj
12:26 - Last Boss - Rasha'nan

Mythic Dungeon Tools addon import string:


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