Jet Tips and Tricks for Newer Players (Season 7) - A BF2042 Guide

Описание к видео Jet Tips and Tricks for Newer Players (Season 7) - A BF2042 Guide

Following up on my learning to fly jets video, I wanted to share with you a bunch of things I have learned while playing with the jets. I've put many hours into these vehicles, and I have become pretty decent! I am hoping to share my findings so that you can hopefully incorporate some of this knowledge into your own 2042 flying. I really hope it helps!

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:38 - Jets
00:01:20 - Choppers
00:03:04 - Wildcats
00:05:10 - Other Vehicles
00:06:22 - Lissiles
00:06:52 - Infantry
00:08:08 - Dogfighting
00:09:09 - Afterburner
00:09:37 - Hit the brakes
00:10:44 - Countering AA Missiles
00:11:45 - Use the Rear Cam!
00:12:07 - Far Range Radar
00:12:33 - My Journey
00:13:09 - Outro


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