MCITP 70-640: Creating a user

Описание к видео MCITP 70-640: Creating a user

This video looks at how to create a new user in Active Directory and the properties that can be configured for that user. Check out for more of our always free training videos. Once a user is created in Active Directory, this user can be used as a template for other users on the system. This video covers how to create a template and use it later on to create additional users.

Demonstration 0:19

UPN Suffix
Each user that is created has a UPN suffix assigned to them. The UPN suffix by default will be the DNS domain name. It is possible to have more than one UPN suffix defined. If multiple UPN suffixes are defined when the user is created, a UPN suffix can be chosen that is different from the domain. For example, if the domain is ITFreeTraining.local, another UPN suffix may be created called This allows the internal domain to be referenced via a DNS name that is not discoverable on the internet. This method also provides a friendlier DNS name for staff when they login.

User properties
For the properties of each user, there are a number of settings that can be configured. Listed below are the settings for a user account in Active Directory organized by the tab the setting can be found on.

General Tab
This tab contains a number of fields for the user name, office location, telephone number, etc. Filling in these fields helps a user when performing searches on the network. For example, if they wanted to search for all staff in a certain office they could search based on the office field. All the fields are informational only and do not affect how the account operates.

Address Tab
The address tab has details about the physical location of the user. These include the street number, city, etc. All the fields are informational only and do not affect how the account operates.

For the rest for the description for this video, please refer to

"Logon hours and other user settings"
"Primary group"


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