Калуга в 1970-е годы / Kaluga in the 1970s

Описание к видео Калуга в 1970-е годы / Kaluga in the 1970s

Калуга в 1970-е годы

Kaluga in the 1970s


"Kaluga, my Kaluga" sung by Orion

Kaluga is located on the Central Russian Upland , on both banks of the Oka River, in the European part of Russia; 161 km from Moscow and about 100 km west of Tula . The official date of the foundation of the city is 1371, although settlements were established on the site, long before this date....when a border fortress on the southwestern borders of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, was established here.. Kaluga,or Koluga, as the settlement was refered to, comes from the Old Russian word meaning - bog/ quagmire...In the Middle Ages Kaluga was a minor settlement owned by the Princes Vorotynsky. The ancestral home of these princes lies southwest of the modern city and during the 14th century, Kaluga became an object of struggle between Moscow and the Lithuanian princes. Between 1601 -1603, the town experienced the Great Famine which covered most of the European territory of the Russian kingdom during the reign of Boris Godunov.....Similar to many towns in Imperial Russia, Kaluga saw a rise and fall in its fortunes and by the end of the XIX century, saw it turn into a quiet provincial city.
The First World War was a hard test for Kaluga and its residents, making changes in all spheres of life. Kaluga, like the entire Russian province, provided the army with the necessary human, food, material and technical resources in the face of the growing economic crisis engendered by the war...
Following the October Revolution, the Soviets experienced difficulties in securing power here since petty-bourgeois political parties were active in the city . "The power of the Soviets" in the city was only established by armed means with the help of the revolutionary detachments of Moscow. After the end of the Civil War, the Soviet authorities revived factories, set up the production of military products and established collective farms....
Unlike many towns and cities in Western Russia, the occupation by the Nazis in 1941 was short lived and lasted from October 12 to December 30, 1941 , when the city was completely liberated by units of the Red Army .....
In 1967, the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics was opened , the first in the world and the largest in Russia , created with the direct participation of Sergei Korolev and Yuri Gagarin .


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