Boat Trip To Tonle Sap Lake, Siem Reap, Cambodia 2 3 2020

Описание к видео Boat Trip To Tonle Sap Lake, Siem Reap, Cambodia 2 3 2020

Boat Trip To Tonle Sap Lake, Siem Reap, Cambodia.2.3.2020
Huge lake where people live school go to church like a city on its own. Quite eye opening.
The Cambodian people have an issue with it as people from Vietnam are coming in across the border and settling down here.
The floating village is located less than 10 miles (15km) from Siem Reap. It is the perfect place to visit on Tonle Sap Lake. We stopped at the crocodile and fish farm in the floating village where we saw some of the trades people on the lake work in. If catfish, crocodiles and large snakes don't interest you, there is a souvenir shop and a viewing deck on board for you to purchase some presents for loved ones or take a few photos.The boat ride through the floating village will allow you to see ordinary Cambodians going about their daily life in the floating village. Fishermen, boat-makers, markets, schools, spirit houses and waving children are always in plentiful supply on this mesmerising scenic route, and it is not uncommon for the scenery to provoke silence on the boat, as customers take in the sights and sounds that surround them. There, we had a our lunch.


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