Cast on knitting methods. A elastic with harnesses. How to start knitting

Описание к видео Cast on knitting methods. A elastic with harnesses. How to start knitting

#knit #castonknittingmethods #studioknit #howtoknit #knittingpatterns
Needlework lessons, how to start knitting. Cast on knitting methods. Dial 27 loops in a special way.
Row 1: edge st, *2P, 1K, 1P, 1K, 2P, 2K*, repeat from * to * several times, 2P, 1K, 1P, 1K, 2P, edge st.
Row 2: knit in the direction of the loops.
Row 3: edge st, 2P, 1K, 1P, 1K, 2P, RT repeat from * to * several times, 2P, 1K, 1P, 1K, 2P, edge st.
Row 4: knit in the direction of the loops.
Close the loops in a special way.
Different types of elastic bands can be seen in this playlist:
   • Knitted elastic bands. (Виды разных р...  
#knittingtutorial #howtocaston #doityourself #knittingonneedlestechnique #howtostartknitting


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