Ram Dass: Patterns of Interdependency – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 248

Описание к видео Ram Dass: Patterns of Interdependency – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 248

Speaking to issues of ecology, politics, and social action, Ram Dass shares stories of compassionate action and explores patterns of interdependency we can recognize in the world.

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This episode of Here and Now is from a 1992 talk in Edgartown, MA.

Ram Dass discusses our looming ecological crisis, politics, and living in the age of the Kali Yuga. There is change happening all around us. For Ram Dass, what’s interesting is where one stands in relation to change.
How do we respond in an appropriate way to all the suffering in the world around us? Ram Dass shares classic stories of compassionate action and talks about the constant dialogue between the mind and the heart.
Ram Dass explores how moving through different planes of reality can help us recognize the incredible patterns of interdependency in this world. By acknowledging that these other planes exist, we can find a way to be fully in the world and simultaneously not be trapped by it. In this way, we’re able to keep our hearts open in hell.
“When you experience the plane of reality where everything is interdependent, it includes you, you’re part of it all. If you flip the dial and go to another plane of reality, you see that behind all of the forms, which are like cloud patterns, there’s only one of it. There’s one stuff. There’s one stuff that keeps going into these incredible patterns.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass: Patterns of Interdependency – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 248 -    • Ram Dass: Patterns of Interdependency...  

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 248 – Patterns of Interdependency - https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass...

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