Battle of the Bones! Wargames Atlantic vs Oathmark Skeletons!

Описание к видео Battle of the Bones! Wargames Atlantic vs Oathmark Skeletons!

Every good necromancer knows you can never have enough skeletons.
Problem is finding good ones that are universal in their style and appeal as opposed to specific noun-verb niche creations that obviously tied to a specific setting.
That's what's great about both these kits- they can serve a multitude of game systems without being tied to specific themes, factions, or iconography. Some people would say "generic" but I prefer to use the term "universal."
The Wargames Atlantic skeletons are a bit more... bare bones (ahem). They have no real adornment on their bodies (or any straps to hold those quivers) so they can function as the risen dead in a variety of locales. The weapons they carry have a bit of a Greek vibe to them- perhaps a nod to certain special effects wizards?
The Oathmark kits have a more dark ages feel to them, and offer up enough parts to outfit an entire box in any setup you see fit- purely archers, spears, or close combat, or any combination of the three as you see fit. This aspect gives them a bit of an advantage over the WGAtlantic bones, but considering how paired down the actual WGAtlantic sprues are, they do a good job given the relatively small frame the parts are on.
That's my biggest criticism of the Wargames Atlantic skeletons too- the frame is so small that there's little room for extras. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the guy who has the legs that need gluing on. It looks awkward.
I'd say either box is a good purchase if you want modular skeletons for an undead horde, especially those without weird spindly bits, plants growing out of them, or kits with a multitude of little bones that need gluing together.

The choice is yours!


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