Woman followed her cheating husband & found out about his terrible deed, he did many years ago

Описание к видео Woman followed her cheating husband & found out about his terrible deed, he did many years ago

For years, the woman mourned her son who died in childbirth. And when she suspected her husband of cheating, she followed him and found out his terrible secret.

A woman thought her husband had a mistress and decided to track him down. But she did not expect to find out about his terrible deed, which he did many years ago.

#storiesfromthebox #cautionarytale #liveyourbestlife #sadstory #familystory #kindstory #sadlovestory #audiostory #amazingstory #lifestory

The first ray of sunlight slipped through the loose curtain and tickled Tami's nose. She squeezed her eyes shut in her sleep, stretched, and sneezed. Opening her eyes with a sweet yawn, she patted the space next to her. Garrett was already gone.
"Again, he left at the crack of dawn without waking me!"
Lately, Garrett had been working a lot. He was back in the office, preparing major projects, practically disappearing there twenty-four hours a day. He came home late, slept briefly, and returned to his beloved work.
Tami pulled on a robe and went into the kitchen. She had prepared her husband's breakfast the night before, but the stuffed pancakes remained untouched.
"Again, he only drank coffee. Oh, Garrett," Tami sighed. "You're working too hard, poor thing."
She had tried to get up early to see her husband off to work, but this morning she had overslept, and he, apparently, hadn't woken her.
"At least I made breakfast last night. But what for? He didn't even taste it. Well, at least I will make sure Rosalie eats breakfast."
Tami peeked into the nursery. Ten-year-old Rosalie was asleep, cuddled up with a teddy bear. The woman smiled.
"What a sweet sleeper. It's almost a shame to wake her up. Let her sleep a little longer."
Tami returned to the kitchen, put the pancakes in the microwave, poured milk into a pot, and turned on the gas. She pondered for a moment how many years her mornings had started the same way. Her husband rushing to work, her daughter getting ready for kindergarten, now for school. And the kitchen, always the kitchen... Yes, she was a housewife now. But 12 years ago, everything was different. She had envisioned a different future.
The milk in the saucepan sizzled, and a puffy cap rushed up. Tami snapped back to reality, shaking her head.
"Enough of these memories, it's time to make cocoa!"
A few minutes later, the aroma of chocolate wafted through the kitchen. The pancakes had long since heated up, so breakfast was ready. Tami anxiously glanced at the clock. It was already time to wake up Rosalie.
"Daughter, get up!" She called into the nursery. "Breakfast is on the table."
"Mommy..." Rosalie mumbled sleepily, clutching her toy tighter. "Five more minutes."
"One minute," Tami replied firmly. "Come on, open your eyes and head to the bathroom."
The daughter sighed heavily and sat up in bed.
"Mom, I had such a dream," she said, yawning. "We had moved out of town. We had this huge, beautiful summer house, like a palace! And I was walking there! I don't remember anything else... You woke me up."
"I'm sorry, my dear," Tami smiled. "You'll continue it next time."
"Yeah, right," Rosalie grumbled and slipped into the bathroom barefoot. "With homework, school, and music lessons. No time to live! Not in my dreams, not in real life."
"Your slippers are in the bathroom," Tami laughed in response.
An hour later, she saw her daughter off to school, thankful it was just across the street. After kissing Rosalie goodbye, Tami decided to walk around the city with her camera. Today, she was heading to the park. It was spring, the time when all living things remember to blossom and perfume the air, delighting the world with rich colors. The apple trees in the park were dazzlingly beautiful in their snow-white garb, and the sprawling lilacs caught the eye with their flowery outfits. Tami loved taking pictures of nature and people. How she cherished this activity!
At some point, she decided to take a break and enjoy the surroundings. She sat on a bench and closed her eyes. Nearby, birds were trilling in the bushes.
"Ma'am, are you a photographer?" a thin voice asked. Tami opened her eyes in surprise to see a boy of about five standing next to the bench.
"No, kid, I'm just taking pictures for fun," she replied.
"Why?" The boy raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What do you use the pictures for?"
"Just for enjoyment."
The child nodded understandingly.
'What a sweet little boy,' Tami thought to herself.
"Would you like me to take a picture of you?" she suggested.


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