Single White GPU

Описание к видео Single White GPU

Imagine your gaming rig is perfect—powerful and optimized for top-tier play. Then you add a virtual machine (VM) for light tasks. At first, it seems harmless, but soon it starts craving more power, mimicking your GPU, and demanding resources. Before you know it, the VM takes over, hogging the GPU, slowing down your games, and refusing to shut down, as if it wants to be your gaming GPU, dominating your system. Just Kidding but you can use this guide to pass your GPU to a VM and game on one side and use a computer on the other at the same time.
0:00 BIOS IOMMU Settings
3:40 GPU IOMMU Groups
5:06 Install Software and Dependencies
6:27 Editing Conf files
9:38 Add User Groups and permissions
15:00 Setting up Network
15:35 Install VM OS
21:48 VM OS Setup
24:42 GPU Rom Preparation
30:47 TTY GPU Rom Preperation
36:49 Move patched.rom to usr/share/
42:32 Clone git to install hooks
47:58 Attach GPU to VM
59:29 Test GPU pass through
1:02:00 The Guide
1:08:15 Simultaneous Boot


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