Описание к видео SET APART

The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘I am the Lord your God. You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices.”
‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬-‭3‬‬‬‬‬

Set Apart ‬

Hear the Lord's decree, through Moses’ voice,
To Israel's hearts, it isn’t that God is deaf being a creator of voice and creatures which talk and hear why not Him, it’s God’s desire to use men, it’s a privilege he can get the work done by himself just like the time of creation. This is a privilege to serve, no greater position than to be a servant of God.

to many obedience is tied on who is telling them. What power do they have on me, God makes it lucid

'I am the Lord, your God,' A name that embodies holiness, power, and loving flames.

Infinite for fathom, not only does he say he is Lord but goes further to say ‘he is your God’

Well many can frankly say God is God but not their God, is he God or yours too.

Here comes the question is God your God? God won’t have any influence on you if you’re not his.

how will he give you instructions unless he is your God. The God who chose you, got you out of Egypt, out of sin, out of the world, death, depression and frustrations

making you a holy peculiar people, His beloved, saved, sanctified through a sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ.

He Has only good plans for you to enjoy the blissful land flowing with milk and honey having life in its fullness. Never has he wanted to hurt you.

But He says to You “don’t do as they do in Egypt,” don’t do as they do, oooh children of God, how many times have you done as the world does, you have wanted to fit in, you’ve replicated the trends and patterns of the world bringing them right to the altar, God has commanded us not to do as the world does,

what does the world do??, the world has its gods it worships, the things of God can’t be understood by non-believers, the world is parallel to the things of God, the world is like a bowl of pain with all that is happening in the world today hate, war, immorality, corruption, promiscuity, suffering, yet we are the light of the world, the salt of the earth, the preservation of the wicked, that grain of hope to extend grace and bring a change in the cursed world.

therefore God is commanding us to draw a thick line visibly seen between Christians and the world, the amalgamation is too much, it’s extremely hard to differentiate between the two,

we carry the styles and culture of the world right in churches not carrying ours to the world, we’ve entertained the congregation but with no spiritual impact that people have become obstinate and unchanged.

Freely sitting in meetings of mockers and blasphemers of God, going ahead to drink on the same cup further to do as they do, walking in the counsel of the ungodly, our people have walked naked before the Lord lacking decency. Today It’s more of number and talent than life, ooo we cry unto God to deliver the church.

God again says where you used to live!!! Where did grace find you? Hateful, bitter, unforgiving, so lost and wounded by the world, ingrained in sin, disappointed, rejected, refused, depressed, despised

We will question the grace you found when you remain the same, grace that doesn’t stops you to sin isn’t grace, you might have encountered another thing.

No man has ever came to God and remained the same I was once a great sinner but great grace pardoned me. Did you come out of Egypt, now don’t do as they do.

Let’s not follow their practices they may hide in churches we don’t need psychological knowledge to know them it’s inaccurate. To those who are in church putting on sheep cloth but inside they are foxes, God has given us a spirit of discernment, you will know them by their fruits and by the spirit God has poured into you through his son Jesus Christ.

It’s wickedness to be loved by everyone


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