AC1/P1: Sculptures, Seals, Town planning: Indus Valley Civilization

Описание к видео AC1/P1: Sculptures, Seals, Town planning: Indus Valley Civilization

Language: Hindi, Topics Covered:

Introduction to Art and culture, the difference between them.
Indus Valley civilization: Architecture, Sculpture; Ornaments Pottery
Town planning of Indus Valley- citadel, non-citadel, houses, courtyard, graneries, drainage system, dockyard and public bath.
Indus valley sculpture: Seals and scripts- their purpose and utility; mother godess, bronze dancing girl, bearded priest,
Ornaments, pottery- their utility
GS-1-Mains-2014: To what extent has the urban planning and culture of the Indus valley civilization provided inputs to the present day urbanization? Discuss.
Mock Question for Mains: Examine how recent excavations of remnants of the Harappan Civilization in India have helped historians to understand Harappan culture. (200 Words)

Faculty: Ms.Ishani Pandya (Rank 502/UPSC-CSE-2014, ICLS)
PowerPoints available at


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