Infinite Now: Chaya Czernowin Composer Portrait

Описание к видео Infinite Now: Chaya Czernowin Composer Portrait

A film by Gabriele Faust and students of the music communications department of the University of Cologne, 2017

Musical excerpts:
1) Chaya Czernowin: "anea crystal: seed I for string quartet" [© WERGO, a Division of Schott Music & Media]
2) Chaya Czernowin: "Die Kreuzung", [© mode records]
3) Ko Takasugi-Czernowin: Knowles Pain Hall / Pink Grey Sky [© courtesy of Ko Takasugi-Czernowin]
4) Chaya Czernowin: "Infinite Now", 3. Akt [© courtesy of Vlaamse Opera Gent]

Cast and Crew:
with Chaya Czernowin and Carlo Lorenzi (IRCAM Paris)
Production: Ideale Audiance SAS, Paris
Camera: Marine Tadié
Sound: Timothée Alazraki
Head of production: Claire Lion
Production co-ordination: Lillana Champenois
Producer: Pierre-Olivier Bardet
Editor: Tim Schmitz, Rheinklangstudio Köln

With generous support of Pro Musica Viva - Maria Strecker-Daelen Stiftung, Mainz


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