What Colors To Wear (And Avoid ) On Your Next Interview - ITH Staffing

Описание к видео What Colors To Wear (And Avoid ) On Your Next Interview - ITH Staffing

A big part of getting a job is making a good first impression, and a big part of making a good first impression is how you dress for the interview. While you don't have to spend a lot of money on your wardrobe, putting in a little extra effort and thought will pay off in the long run. Before your next interview think about this one small detail that can make a bigger impact than you think: COLOR

According to 2,099 hiring managers and human resource professionals who participated in CareerBuilder's recently published survey, blue and black are the best colors to wear to a job interview, and orange is the worst.

Conservative colors, such as black, blue, gray, and brown, seem to be the safest bet when meeting someone for the first time in a professional setting, whereas colors that signal more creativity, like orange, may be too loud for an interview.

It all really comes down to knowing what is best for the position you are going for and what is the company culture is like.


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