Нечувствительность второй жены Мирзы Али к строительству дома Махана. печаль Махана

Описание к видео Нечувствительность второй жены Мирзы Али к строительству дома Махана. печаль Махана

The insensitivity of Mirza Ali's second wife to the construction of Mahan's house may stem from a lack of consideration for Mahan's feelings, desires, and sense of independence. Her focus may be solely on her own interests or priorities, leading to disregard for Mahan's need for personal space and autonomy in building his own home. This insensitivity could create tension and resentment between Mahan and his father's second wife, as Mahan may interpret her behavior as disrespectful towards his choices and aspirations for establishing his own household. This could result in Mahan feeling unvalued and disconnected from his father's partner, leading to his displeasure with her actions.



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