Aptive Environmental Fail! Owner removes wasps with shop vac.

Описание к видео Aptive Environmental Fail! Owner removes wasps with shop vac.

We got our first Aptive treatment on July 20th, 2023. The technician explained the process and said the first treatment might cause an uptick in insects for the first few days, but it would take care of all the adult wasps within 3 weeks, and then they would return for a second treatment to kill any larva that had hatched. The technician was pleasant and seemed confident. The second treatment was on August 11th. This technician was also pleasant and confident. I explained there had been no decrease in the wasp activity at all! He seemed unconcerned, said he’ll take care of them for sure. Today is Aug 21, It’s now been 32 day since the first treatment and 10 days since the second treatment. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DECREASE in the wasp activity. I have emailed Aptive and asked them to refund my payment and cancel my service. So far I have received nothing but an automated response from them (plus a ton of junk mail asking for referrals). Hopefully they will make it right and refund my money. I’ll update this post once I receive a refund. Not interested in them coming back out again as I’ve taken care of it myself now (as you can see in the video). *||||||||||* UPDATE 8/23/23 customer service called me. They agreed to cancel my contract for further service and billing. They were apologetic that the first two services did not kill the wasps, but were unwilling to refund anything for service and chemicals already applied. So, that's how we left it.


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