Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders in Women | Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Dr. Regina Joseph

Описание к видео Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders in Women | Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Dr. Regina Joseph

Dr. Regina Joseph | Appointment booking number: 9886204044
Consultant Aesthetics Physician, Cosmetic Gynaecologist | Splendore Cosmetic and Gynec Cosmetic Clinic, HSR 2nd Sector, Bangalore
Most commonly seen is vaginismus. There could be local infection,. Cancers, tumors or following radiation therapy in vaginal region or because of hormonal imbalance is because of the premenopausal age group and post menopausal age group, the deficiency of estrogen, the thinning of the wall, decreased lubrication and decreased laxity or less desire. O shot treatment can be done. PPR treatment can be done and it increases the wellness.


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