Mark VI Mayhem - American vs. Euro

Описание к видео Mark VI Mayhem - American vs. Euro

Incredible Mark VI comparison opportunity of two horns that are consecutive serial numbers! It gets WAY better though :) One sax was assembled in America and one was assembled in Europe. Both overhauled back-to-back by the same repair tech with the exact same pads, resonators and specs. We took care to make sure everything was the same, even the spot where we stood and recorded :) I tried to cover all the bases when comparing these two and even edited the video to go back and forth quickly. Below are the specs of each instrument if interested. ENJOY!

American assembled:

Serial No. 144343
High F#
Near mint condition, no previous damage
Soldered bow
TM brass resonators
Body weight: 3115g
Neck weight: 150g
Neck height: 51mm from ground to tip ring

European assembled:

Serial No. 144342
High F#
Near mint condition, no previous damage
Soldered bow
TM brass resonators
Body weight: 3110 g
Neck weight: 161g
Neck height: 56mm from ground to tip ring


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