How much money Nepali can earn in Finland? Earning and saving

Описание к видео How much money Nepali can earn in Finland? Earning and saving

Monthly income of students in Finland: How much money you can earn and save in Finland as a Nepali and foreign student? The minimum wage in Finland is starting from a minimum of 10 euros per hour. The answer is not possible in one sentence cause there are various factors that will affect your monthly income in Finland. Students can work a minimum of 30 hours per week in Finland which is a very decent number cause in other European country student can work 20 to 25 hours only per week.
Since national minimum wages is ranging from 10 to 13 euros we will pick 11 euros just for example.
Disclaimer :
this is not an exact amount. The salary range, per hour pay range, could be different on your company, job position, city, years of experience, etc. So keep in that mind. Thank you for your understanding.

Salary/income per hour 11 euros.
work hour per week 30 hours.
4 weeks in a month so per week 120hours.
Per month salary = 1320 euros.
per year salary = 15,840 euros.

Monthly expenses = 450 to 500 euros.
yearly expenses = 4800 euros.
rest amount will be your saving. if you have very expensive university fees then it could go to your university fees if you have cheap university fees then you can save some money and send it back to Nepal for your family.

Official website to start the application process for Finland:

Apply for a visa from this website

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The main motive of this channel @Sujan CHAULAGAIN is to provide valuable information to all Nepali students who want to study in France, Finland, Poland, Portugal, and other European countries from Nepal. I am sharing my personal experiences on the educational journey from Nepal to France. So I will be providing guidelines & information relating to the Visa process, cheap universities, scholarships for Nepali students, students' current situation, job availability, earnings, and many more information which is needed before coming to France.
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यस च्यानल @Sujan CHAULAGAIN को मुख्य उदेश्य नेपालबाट फ्रान्समा अध्ययन गर्न चाहने सबै नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरूलाई बहुमूल्य जानकारी प्रदान गर्नु हो। नेपाल देखि फ्रान्स सम्मको शैक्षिक यात्राका व्यक्तिगत अनुभवहरु सेयर गर्दैछु । त्यसैले म भिसा प्रक्रिया, सस्तो विश्वविद्यालयहरू, नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरूको लागि छात्रवृत्ति, विद्यार्थीहरूको वर्तमान अवस्था, रोजगारीको उपलब्धता, आम्दानी र फ्रान्स आउनु अघि आवश्यक पर्ने धेरै जानकारी सम्बन्धी दिशानिर्देश र जानकारी उपलब्ध गराउनेछु।
तपाईं के को लागी प्रतिक्षा गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ?
Soo thank you 🙏


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