The Brutal Life Of STARKILLER - Vader's Secret Apprentice

Описание к видео The Brutal Life Of STARKILLER - Vader's Secret Apprentice

In the early months of the Galactic Empire’s rule, a formidable assault on the Wookie home world of Kashyyyk was carried out, led by Darth Vader. He had received intel from Imperial spies that the Wookies harboured a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge, named Kento Marek. After eliminating any resistance in his way, Vader located the Jedi and defeated him in combat, but sensed a far more powerful force nearby. Preparing to face Kento’s master, he instead found Kento’s young son Galen, who used the force to disarm the sith lord. Vader saw great potential in him, and defended him from Imperial troops, as he was taken as his secret apprentice, beginning a new chapter in his life as he embarked on a path filled with darkness. In time, all memories of his parents and his past-life faded. Under Vader's secretive training, Galen honed his Force abilities and combat skills, adopting the codename "Starkiller." His new purpose was to serve as an assassin for Vader, hunting down and eliminating Jedi survivors who had managed to evade the Great Jedi Purge. Starkiller's missions were carried out covertly, and his existence was kept hidden from the Emperor, as Vader plotted to use him in his own bid for power. The Rule of Two forbid the existence of more than two sith at one time, and as long as Vader served his master, Starkiller could not consider himself a true sith. He was desperate to prove himself to Vader, and believed his destiny was to help him overthrow Sidious and rule at his side. In his final trials, Galen was commanded to locate and eliminate 3 jedi masters, Rahm Kota, Kazdan Paratus and Shaak Ti. With the support of his pilot Juno Eclipse, and his training droid PROXY, he fulfilled his masters bidding. When Starkiller returned to Vader victorious, he came face to face with the Emperor; his spies having learnt of his existence. In a calculated move to prove his loyalty to Sidious, Vader quickly cuts down his apprentice and hurls him into space. However, Starkiller was secretly recovered and revived by Vader’s science vessel, the Empirical. Forced back into servitude, Vader gave Galen his most important mission yet; to foster a rebellion among the Empire's enemies. The goal was to divert the Emperor's attention and resources, providing Vader with an opportunity to overthrow him. Galen rescued Juno, who had been branded a traitor to the Empire following his supposed death. He assured her that he no longer had allegiance to the Empire, or Vader, and shared his plan to create a rebel army to oppose the Empire. He reunited with a blinded Rahm Kota, who had been reduced to alcoholism. He convinced him that he too was a Jedi, and together, they formed a bond of trust and embarked on a quest to gather allies for the rebellion. One key ally Starkiller sought was Bail Organa, a senator known for his resistance against the Empire. By rescuing Bail's daughter, Princess Leia Organa on Kashyyyk, and liberating enslaved Wookiees, Starkiller gained Bail's trust and convinced him to join the rebellion's cause. To further solidify the rebellion's presence, Starkiller led an assault on a Star Destroyer facility on Raxus Prime, even pulling an Imperial Star Destroyer out of orbit. This demonstration of the Empire's vulnerability served as a rallying cry for others seeking freedom from Imperial oppression. However, when Galen made contact with Vader to notify him of his success, Juno learned that Starkiller still served Vader, yet she chose to remain silent. As the rebellion gained momentum, a final move was made to draw out the Empire's enemies. On the planet Corellia, Bail Organa met with fellow senators Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Iblis to formally structure a rebellion, but their meeting was cut short by an assault from Darth Vader, and the senators arrested. The Dark Lord overpowered Starkiller, revealing his true intentions all along. Starkiller had been a pawn, a means to an end. He was simply a tool used to squash the rebellion before it had even started, and it was never in Vader’s interest to overthrow the Emperor with Galen at his side. Whilst Vader prepared to strike Galen as he desperately clung to the cliff, his loyal training droid PROXY attacked, in the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi. As Vader put down his attacker, Galen lost his grip on the cliff ledge and fell. He survived the fall, and when he regained consciousness, he was recovered by Juno. Finally free of his former masters clutches, Galen rejected his codename of Starkiller, and for the first time considered himself to be a Jedi. Galen entered deep meditation in an attempt to save the rebellion, by tracking down both Vader and the Senators. Despite managing to locate his targets on the unfinished Death Star, he was almost overwhelmed by the number of possible futures laid out before him.In a daring mission to rescue Jedi General Kota and the captive senators, Starkiller infiltrated the Death Star.

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