Covington Emerald Heist [Ruthless Difficulty] - Blood Money Opportunity - Red Dead Online Update

Описание к видео Covington Emerald Heist [Ruthless Difficulty] - Blood Money Opportunity - Red Dead Online Update

Covington Emerald Heist - Blood Money Opportunity - Red Dead Online Update

Accumulating enough Capitale for Guido Martelli will reveal Opportunities. These are dispatched by Martelli in a scheme to stifle a rising Lemoyne senator who is disrupting Bronte operations throughout the region. Each Opportunity can reveal various approaches to the task at hand — listen into nearby conversations or look out for important targets to uncover new paths to completion and weaken this politician’s position by bringing each of the three Jewels of the West to Martelli. The first of three Opportunities is available on July 13, while two more will unveil themselves in time.

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