Did You Feel Left Out or Not Cool Enough as a Child? It Could Be Deeply Affecting You STILL!

Описание к видео Did You Feel Left Out or Not Cool Enough as a Child? It Could Be Deeply Affecting You STILL!

Who we were friends with, and how we saw ourselves fitting in, or not fitting in, in school, has such a profound effect on the rest of our lives.

It can impact our ability to find friends, to feel part of, and even to make money.

In this video, I explain why our social circle trauma is SOOO important to resolve and I break down exactly where to start to unravel these sneaky patterns from our past.

👇Somatic Release Energy Clearing on Social Trauma *8/25/24: 👇

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#socialanxiety #socialtrauma #school #feelingleftout #leftout #fomo #spirituality #spiritual #healing #traumahealing #empath #school

0:00 - Intro
1:13 - Childhood Social Circle Story
10:31 - Unraveling the Patterns


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