DLBFoam 1: Theory

Описание к видео DLBFoam 1: Theory

In this video we briefly describe the theory of finite-rate chemistry integration for CFD simulations and introduce features of the DLBFoam library.


1. B. Tekgül, P. Peltonen, H. Kahila, O. Kaario, V. Vuorinen, DLBFoam: An open-source dynamic load balancing model for fast reacting flow simulations in OpenFOAM, Computer Physics Communications, Volume 267, 10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108073 (2021).
2. I. Morev, B. Tekgül, M. Gadalla, A. Shahanaghi, J. Kannan, S. Karimkashi, O. Kaario, V. Vuorinen, Fast reactive flow simulations using analytical Jacobian and dynamic load balancing in OpenFOAM, Physics of Fluids 34, 021801, 10.1063/5.0077437 (2022).


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