Saint-Saëns 'The Carnival of the Animals' piano suite for piano duet / Alex Kwok & Christy Poon

Описание к видео Saint-Saëns 'The Carnival of the Animals' piano suite for piano duet / Alex Kwok & Christy Poon

The Carnival of the Animals (Le Carnaval des animaux)

This is a priceless piano suite filled with humorous vibes that rarely found elsewhere in Saint-Saëns's works. Rather than just gorgeous melodies here, the composer did an excellent job capturing the movements, shape, weight, vitality (and even facial expressions of the animals) through delivering them in 14 movements. The genius Saint-Saëns composed this stuff in a really short time (as I know, not more than three days?) for orchestra. And after that, various arrangements exist due to its popularity.

I. "Introduction et marche royale du lion" (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion) 00:16
II. "Poules et coqs" (Hens and Roosters) 02:12
III. "Hémiones (animaux véloces)" (Wild Donkeys Swift Animals) 02:58
IV. "Tortues" (Tortoises) 03:43
V. "L'Éléphant" (The Elephant) 05:20
VI. "Kangourous" (Kangaroos) 06:37
VII. "Aquarium" 07:32
VIII. "Personnages à longues oreilles" (Characters with Long Ears) 10:08
IX. "Le Coucou au fond des bois" (The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods) 10:52
X. "Volière" (Aviary) 13:11
XI. "Pianistes" (Pianists) 14:25
XII. "Fossiles" (Fossils) 15:47
XIII. "Le cygne" (The Swan) 17:08
XIV. Final (Finale) 19:58

Recording session at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Recital Hall


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