法国赶海老司机带我挖蚝, 免费生蚝无限吃,肥美爆浆 | 趕海 | 生蚝 | 海鲜 | 螃蟹 | 法国 | 农村 | 美食 |

Описание к видео 法国赶海老司机带我挖蚝, 免费生蚝无限吃,肥美爆浆 | 趕海 | 生蚝 | 海鲜 | 螃蟹 | 法国 | 农村 | 美食 |

法国赶海老司机带我挖生蚝, 免费生蚝无限吃,肥美爆浆 | 趕海 | 生蚝 | 海鲜 | 螃蟹 | 法国 | 农村 | 美食 |

The old French driver took me to dig oysters, free unlimited oysters, plump and bursting
Today, I followed the locals in Brittany to dig oysters on the oyster beach. The tidal flats near the oyster farms are full of wild oysters. They are the size of a palm. After opening, squeeze 2 drops of lemon juice. The sweet taste fills the taste buds. The locals told me that they would go to the beach to dig for raw oysters and would not go to seafood shops. There are many interesting seafood on the oyster beach in the afternoon, such as clams, cherry prawns, and crabs. . . After digging a full bucket, I went home and made oyster clam noodles. The friends praised the delicious taste.
For more interesting overseas videos, remember to pay attention to Yooupi Shitu, which will be updated every Sunday.

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*订阅我的频道,每周带给你有趣的法国美食视频* ————https://bit.ly/3lDNe92


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