How to withdraw marijuana addiction 如何戒掉大麻毒瘾
消閒用的大麻THC含量很高,可增加大腦多巴胺分泌 ,有興奮及迷幻的效果,讓人產生强烈的愉悦感,但也會令人吸食成癮。 長期吸食大量大麻或會引致心率增加、血壓降低、抑鬱、緊張、支氣管炎、結膜炎、內分泌紊亂、運動協調減退、集中力和記憶力受到影響,而 使用大麻後跟喝酒一樣不能安全駕駛。一些研究亦指出,健康的成年人在服用大量大麻後,其性荷爾蒙或會出現變化。有人說:其實大麻的害處並沒有那麼嚴重,相對於海洛英、古柯鹼,大麻並不算什麼。不過,大麻也被稱為“入門毒品”,一旦吸食上癮,慢慢就要尋求更刺激的毒品,才可以覺得滿足。不少吸食海洛英、古柯鹼的癮君子,都是從吸食大麻開始的。至於吸入二手大麻煙會否危害健康呢?這問題仍待進一步研究。
當攝取方式為「抽」大麻時,由肺臟吸收大約 50%,當以食品方式「吃」的話,大約 10% 會被吸收。吸食未經萃取大麻相關的副作用包括:認知功能改變、慢性支氣管炎、及肺癌、生育力下降、精子動力降低、睪固酮濃度降低等等。胎兒在子宮中暴露到大麻,會增加低體重嬰兒以及早產的可能性、也會增加新生兒加護病房住院率。成癮性的大麻使用者腦部的獎賞迴路會被大麻所改變,而無法控制對於大麻的依賴程度。而在驟然停止使用大麻時,成癮性的大麻使用者也會出現戒斷症狀,包括焦躁易怒、睡眠障礙、食慾下降、體重減輕、憂鬱等等。
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Recreational marijuana has a high THC content, which can increase the secretion of dopamine in the brain, have an arousal and psychedelic effect, and give people a strong sense of pleasure, but it can also make people addicted. Long-term use of large amounts of marijuana may cause increased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, depression, tension, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, endocrine disorders, decreased motor coordination, and affected concentration and memory. Using marijuana is just as unsafe as drinking alcohol. Some studies have also pointed out that healthy adults may experience changes in their sex hormones after taking large amounts of marijuana. Some people say: In fact, the harm of marijuana is not that serious. Compared with heroin and cocaine, marijuana is nothing. However, marijuana is also called a "gateway drug". Once you become addicted, you will slowly seek more stimulating drugs to feel satisfied. Many heroin and cocaine addicts started out by smoking marijuana. Is inhaling secondhand marijuana smoke harmful to health? This question still needs further research.
When marijuana is smoked, about 50% is absorbed by the lungs. When it is eaten as food, about 10% is absorbed. Side effects associated with smoking unextracted marijuana include: cognitive changes, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, decreased fertility, decreased sperm motility, decreased testosterone concentration, etc. Fetal exposure to marijuana in the womb increases the likelihood of low birth weight and premature birth, and increases the rate of neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization . The reward circuit in the brain of addictive marijuana users is altered by marijuana, and they cannot control their marijuana dependence. When marijuana use is abruptly stopped, addictive marijuana users may experience withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, sleep disorders, decreased appetite, weight loss, depression, etc.
/ @herbsdr
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