Nondual Therapy: Time, Space & the Nature of Contraction

Описание к видео Nondual Therapy: Time, Space & the Nature of Contraction

Part 1 of the Introduction to Nondual Therapy, with Bart ten Berge & Georgi Y. Johnson. August 2016, Biotoop, Haren, Netherlands (in English).

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Most suffering occurs as a result of an energetic contraction or freeze between what is considered the self and the “other” (environment, outside world). This energetic cement of the separate self is composed precisely of that of which has been frozen. For example, frozen purity manifests as shame (inner), disgust (outer). As such, that component - purity as a resonance through consciousness, brings the precise invitation to reunion.

The contraction itself will sing the melody of what it yearns for. For example, the songs of peace in times of war, or in the aftermath of surrender.

As such, the therapeutic advantage is found in the fundamental formulas of being free of the grasping or aversion towards contractions (even if the therapist is not themselves totally free), which is gained by resting in open receptivity in non-dual positions or qualities.

There is a high chance that the therapist will be attracting clients to themselves precisely through the melody of their own contractions (or family contractions), and as such, each therapeutic meeting has the potential to be beneficial for all.

The starting foundation of nondual therapy is the nondual position - this involves finding an open, receptive and relaxed space beyond emotional or mental conflict, through which to contain the transformative process occurring in the room. In this, it is necessary to deliberately and consciously allow ‘the person’ to get out of the way, so that otherwise forbidden, contracted, stressed, depressed or repressed energy fields have the space and time, to reveal and/or transform according to their own inherent intelligence (the intelligence within the contraction).

A key feature of a contraction is its limitation in space and time. In this way, the allowance of infinite space for expression, or non-expression, and the cultivation of unconditional patience (all the time), are very supportive. In this the agenda to “get rid” of a contraction or block is not helpful, as it tends to reinforce it.
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