Seihou 1: Shuusou Gyoku - Extra Stage (No Commentary)

Описание к видео Seihou 1: Shuusou Gyoku - Extra Stage (No Commentary)

Silk Road Alice

God this Extra Stage is a royal pain in the butt... Like this game has had before, the stage itself isn't too awful long but it does come at you hard and fast. However it is nice in that the hardest part of the stage is pretty early on and before the mid boss, so if you die there, there isn't really much harm in quickly resetting.

The mid-boss is more showy than actually being a threat. Oh yeah it'll kick your ass A LOT before you figure it out (I was almost ready to give up on this stage because of that bastard alone). But as soon as you learn how to beat it, it becomes second nature.

Marisa is... very luck based. She has a multitude of attacks and they all have varying ranges of difficulty depending on whether one to six of her spells are active when she fires them off. Learn the tricks behind all of the attacks and, while I hate to say this, be ready to bomb at a moments notice. Marisa is NOT above throwing you an undodgeable wall of bullets in a heartbeat.

And Reimu can go fuck herself... (☄ع◣д◢)☄

Anyone who knows Seihou knows what I mean there... But if you don't, Reimu's only real threat is her second phase everything else is just incredibly difficult but nothing too much to worry about. I will say this much though, I did actually figure out how to beat it without bombing (which is saying something considering NO ONE has perfect cleared this stage) but it is pretty much a requirement to come into this fight with full lives.

Boss Phases

1:46 - Mid-boss phase 1
1:59 - Mid-boss phase 2

3:37 - Marisa phase 1
4:09 - Marisa phase 2
5:19 - Marisa phase 3

6:43 - Reimu phase 1
7:15 - R̶e̶i̶m̶u̶ ̶p̶h̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶2̶ (indescribable hyper bullshit... (ಠ益ಠ )
7:40 - Reimu phase 3
8:20 - Reimu phase 4
9:03 - Reimu phase 5
9:32 - Reimu phase 6
9:48 - Reimu phase 7

Difficulty - Extra
Attack Mode - Laser
Extra Stage BGM - Silk Road Alice
BossA - Marisa Kirisame
BossB - Reimu Hakurei
BGM - The Witches' Ball ~ Magus
Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients

Translations courtesy of the Touhou Wiki


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