Meet Kira, The Cute One-eyed Blind Cat From Cyprus Who Found The Perfect Forever Home in Finland!

Описание к видео Meet Kira, The Cute One-eyed Blind Cat From Cyprus Who Found The Perfect Forever Home in Finland!

Krista was looking for a special needs cat to adopt, when she learned about Kira, a kitten who ended up at vet’s office in Cyprus in June 2018 when she was approximately three weeks old. The tiny cat was in terrible shape, and she’d lived in a cage at the vet for about month until a kind woman came along and offered to help her.

“When her foster mom Valeria saw her and took her home she was seven and a half weeks old, completely blind, and still battling internal parasites, a fungal skin infection, and an eye infection,” says Krista.

Despite being in poor health, Kira thrived in her foster home. No longer confined to a cage, the little kitten was able to explore the foster room in Valeria’s house, play with toys and other cats, and even spend time on the balcony, allowing her to safely enjoy the outside world. “She could listen to all kinds of new sounds and feel how the hot days of Cyprus turned into cooler nights,” says Krista.

Visit our website to learn more about Kira:


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