The reason I had stopped vlogging. - Week 1

Описание к видео The reason I had stopped vlogging. - Week 1

My first week of getting back on track. I met my goal of walking at least 4 days for at least 15 minutes. I actually walked for at least 30 those four days.
However, it was not an easy week. I woke up on Wednesday at 3:30am to extremely heavy vaginal bleeding. I called my doctor and was advised to go to the hospital. After several test they found out I have a few ovarian cyst. Also my hormone levels te a little high.
Now on to why I took a break. I was still filming and but decided not to post videos up. Then after having several bad days I felt like I was going through a bad depression. Shortly after I started feeling better.
Then the Thomas Fires started and that was the worst. It’s the largest fire in California history. For several weeks my country was covered in smoke and I couldn’t go outside. The worst part is that it started very close to my father’s house. Thankfully, his house is fine.
Then got sick right after Christmas and sick into the New Year.
And on New Years Eve the day I was the worst, I woke up to a nice HOT Flood in my house! A hot water pipe burst. And that took over a week to fix because my they keep finding different issues.
Now we are back to this week and in a better space, even though it’s been a struggle. I will hopefully have a job soon and I just found out my friend that I call my daughter is going to have a baby! So I’m going to be a grandmother!!! This has made my year! Just with that alone this year is going to be great!

This week’s goals: Walk 5 days for at least 30 minutes.

Suicide Hotline: 1800-273-8255
(You can also call even if you are feeling very depressed.)


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