French Gordon Ramsay: 2 Michelin stars tasting menu from Jean Yves Schillinger [2019]

Описание к видео French Gordon Ramsay: 2 Michelin stars tasting menu from Jean Yves Schillinger [2019]

Jean Yves Schillinger (French Gordon Ramsay) is the owner of 2 Michelin starred restaurant based in Colmar, France. It has 2 Michelin stars for more than 10 years. And it’s one of the cheapest two Michelin starred restaurants in Europe. How chef Schillinger can afford not to raise the prices? Because he is good at counting and finance.

Chef Jean Yves Schillinger sais: «We are one of the least expensive in France. I calculate well. Either you are expensive and you have fewer customers. Either you are cheap and you have many more customers. I can make a restaurant that is always full. Or a restaurant that is always empty. I have a lot of guests, so I allow myself to have reasonable prices. If I do not have many guests, I have to raise prices.

It's like a pyramid. The more you go up, the fewer customers you have, the more you go down, the more customers you have. I do not want to be cheap. You have to be at the level, where customers are coming because I have good value for money. If you go up, there will be not many customers who can afford this style of restaurant, because it is very expensive».

Have a look at the 2019 tasting menu. Here are the prices:


3 courses — 54 €


4 courses — 92 € * (8 servings)
6 courses — 116 € ** (10 servings)
8 courses — 142 € (12 servings).

Restaurant’s website:


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