The Strategies For Making Money in Pop-Corn Business I popcorn business I Deborah Apochi

Описание к видео The Strategies For Making Money in Pop-Corn Business I popcorn business I Deborah Apochi

The Strategies For Making Money in Pop-Corn Business I popcorn business I Deborah Apochi
This is for those who need a small business so they can make extra money. You can do it as a side business and make massive money from it.

I shared this because the popcorn business is not capital-intensive and the demand for popcorn is high. It is one of the answers to the cry of children in Nigeria.

Imagine you can sell 50 to 100 units a day, and you have 3 popcorn stands in different locations. Do the math.

This video explains everything you need to do to succeed in this business. Watch it and share it with others.

Bye for now


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