What if BATMAN was in Star Wars?

Описание к видео What if BATMAN was in Star Wars?

What if Batman was in Star Wars? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

As Yoda stands by the gardens of the Jedi Temple, he ponders everything he’s seen over the past few days. A chill runs through his body as he recalls those less-than-pleasant memories. But at the same time, he feels a glimmer of hope at the possibilities.

Nothing is set in stone and there may be a chance that those visions will not come to pass. While he considers all of this, Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi appear to greet him.

Mace: The Council has assembled. They are eager to hear your report.

Yoda: Afraid not much there is to say of my journey.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: So nothing significant happened to you out there?

Yoda: Yes... and no. To the end, we are coming now.

Mace Windu: Did your journey give you insight on how to win the war?

Yoda: No longer certain that one ever does win a war, I am. For in fighting the battles, the bloodshed, already lost we have. Yet open to us, a path remains, that unknown to the Sith is. Through this path of victory, we may yet find. Not victory in the Clone Wars, but victory for all time.

As they depart to consider his words, Yoda sits down on the ground and begins meditating. Things seem so much clearer to him now that he thinks about it. All this time, since the Clone Wars began, the Jedi have been swimming in dangerous waters. Not only do they put themselves in the middle of this conflict, but they also put themselves at risk of forgetting why they are fighting.

Instead of becoming peacekeepers, they are becoming soldiers and officers. They are no longer helping people as they used to and justify it by saying that they are looking at the big picture. It is why some like Ahsoka and Barriss turned away from the order.

But perhaps they should be paying more attention to the little details. When Yoda returns to his quarters, he opens up his computer to consider all this information. Unfortunately, the Jedi will not be able to do any investigation due to their obligations in the war. They will need someone else to solve cases like this.

Yoda reaches for his holo-disk to contact an old friend. On Earth, Bruce Wayne receives a hologram from Master Yoda.

Yoda: A long time it has been, my friend. Hoped I had, that never I would need to contact you, but serious the situation is. The Clone Wars only brings more questions than answers.

Batman: I'm not a soldier, my friend. I fight differently..

Yoda: Not a soldier, but a detective, I need. Wrapped in mysteries, this conflict is and unravel them, you must.

Batman: Master, I want to help, but my duty is to protect Earth. If we get involved in this galactic conflict, we'll draw too much attention.

Yoda: Not asking for Earth, I am. Only you, my friend. Come to Coruscant and investigate the evidence we’ve gathered.

Batman: Alright, I’ll look and see what I can uncover.

Weeks later, the superhero sits in a nightclub alone, pulling his cloak over his head as he tries to conceal his face. Eventually, Yoda waddles into the seat beside him and clears his throat. He slides over a holo pad.

Without another word, Yoda departs and leaves Batman to study this information. Once safely out of sight, he opens the datapad and sees it contains all the data they’ve gathered over the years about the identity of Darth Sidious from his first reveal on Geonosis to Obi-Wan and Anakin’s mission to Oba Diah where they learn that Dooku created the Clone army and implies that he was acting under his master's instructions.

Batman spends the next few days trying to decipher this and narrow down the suspects. While he knows that the Sith Lord is part of the Senate, it is impossible to narrow down who. So much of the Senate is corrupt and has its secrets. Trying to figure that out is impossible.

However, he notices a minor footnote that he nearly misses. It's a mission report by Luminara Unduli where she mentions interrogating Nute Gunray at some point. As she tried to probe into his mind, he blocked her out. However, their short time suggested that someone other than Dooku controlled him.

It's a long shot, but it's the closest thing to a lead he has. The problem is getting close to Nute Gunray as he’s still part of the CIS.

Yoda: Out of reach, the viceroy is. It will be difficult to get any information from him.

Batman: Difficult, but not impossible. I can go where most Jedi can’t, but I’ll need backup. Someone you trust, but who doesn’t have any ties with the Jedi Order.

Yoda: Know someone who can help, I do.

That person is Ahsoka Tano who remains on Coruscant, though spends her time helping the people there. She is less than pleased to be dragged into the war. Batman notices this as the two depart Coruscant.

Batman: Something tells me you’re not happy to be here. Wasn’t this your mission before? At least, that’s what I’ve gathered from the profile.


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