Acorn Waxed Foundation VS Premier Waxed Foundation for Honey Bees, Which is the best?

Описание к видео Acorn Waxed Foundation VS Premier Waxed Foundation for Honey Bees, Which is the best?

Many thanks to those viewers who have contacted me with questions about Premier heavy waxed bee frame foundations. They are definitely new to me.
The primary questions were regarding the size of the cells and number of cells per side of each sheet.
That's pretty easy to cover, all you have to do is count the cells.
So, I purchased a fresh load of Acorn heavy waxed foundation, and Premier heavy waxed foundation for deep frames.

UPDATE/CORRECTION: (12/5/2021) The Acorn Foundation shown in this video is actually "single coat" it is not the Heavy Waxed/double coating as stated in the video.

I find them to both be well covered in wax and both have a fresh beeswax scent that is sure to entice your honey bees to work them.
There is variation in cell numbers on each foundation as they line up slightly variable with some cells not being complete or fully usable for the bees. So only complete rows of cells were counted for comparision.

Do I think the numbers of cells on each foundation will result in meaningful differences in the amount of brood, or quantity of honey? No, I think the differences will be slight and more dependent upon the bee stock you're using.

Foundation with heavy wax coating on it will perform very well in all situations. I use deep foundation in my nucleus hives as they are two-story (10 frame) nucleus setups so the honey will possibly be harvested from the deep frames.

The Long Langstroth Hives are all composed of Deep Frames and heavy waxed foundations will be welcome there. The Acorn foundation is perforated at the corners so you can snap them off for bee passage, however, the Premier foundation can very easily be snipped off as needed, being much thinner.

I find them to be equal and am confident in recommending either foundation.
When I've made comparisons with Mann-lake, Pierco, and some other off-brand waxed foundations, Acorn was the foundation that the bees worked first. To find out which is preferred by the bees, I will be placing Acorn and Premier in the same deep boxes, checkerboarded in order to make comparisons. However, based on my observations here, I think they will both be top performers.


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