Child Psychologist: How To Raise 'Gifted' Kids To Be Successful

Описание к видео Child Psychologist: How To Raise 'Gifted' Kids To Be Successful

Every parent is capable of raising happy, healthy and emotionally grounded kids. But many struggle along the way.

When parents aren't attuned to their child's temperament and unique traits, they fail to honor and celebrate their kid's authentic self, according to Dr. Shefali, child psychologist and author of "The Parenting Map."

Here are the six most extraordinary and gifted types of kids. Your child may be more of one than the others, or a mix of all. Knowing their type will strengthen your relationship with each other and help them understand themselves better.

00:00 Intro
00:33 The anxious exploder
01:25 The hyperactive explorer
02:24 The overpleaser
03:14 The dreamer-recluse
04:23 The rebel nonconformist
05:37 The happy-go-lucky
06:35 Outro

Produced by: Gene Kim
Managing Producer: Beatriz Bajuelos
Additional Camera: Valentina Duarte
Senior Editor: Vanna Le

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Child Psychologist: 6 Extraordinary Types Of Kids


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