Promoting Lifelong Benefits for Youth Through Out-of-School Time Webinar

Описание к видео Promoting Lifelong Benefits for Youth Through Out-of-School Time Webinar

The Collaborative for Advancing Health Equity in Out-of-School Time (CAHE-OST) webinar features experts from the field sharing how they have increased protective factors by focusing on health equity and increasing partnerships to create caring relationships, high expectations, and meaningful opportunities for participation and contributions for youth. These protective factors are essential to meeting the basic developmental needs felt by people of all ages for safety, love, belonging, respect, a sense of mastery, personal power, and meaning in life.

Presenters included Natalie Wilkins and Sarah Sliwa with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Heather Ashly Williams, Director, Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network;, andKen Anthony II, Ed.D., Associate Executive Director, Connecticut Network for Children & Youth.

Featured Resource
Evidence of Impact of Partnerships to Bolster Impacts of the Protective Factors:


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